Note: The filters listed are recommended for evaluation of Abbott Molecular Vysis FISH probes.
The Orange filter set is designed to excite and transmit SpectrumOrange fluorescence. The Vysis SpectrumOrange labeled DNA FISH probes can be viewed, analyzed, and imaged using this filter set. The SpectrumRed fluorophore will be visible using this filter set, but will be dim.
The Red filter set is designed to excite and transmit SpectrumRed fluorescence. The Vysis SpectrumRed labeled DNA FISH probes can be viewed, analyzed, and imaged using this filter set. This filter set can also be used for TexasRed labeled DNA FISH probes that are available from other probe manufacturers. The SpectrumRed filter set is not recommended for viewing SpectrumOrange labeled probes.
The Gold filter set is designed to excite and transmit SpectrumGold fluorescence. The Vysis SpectrumGold labeled DNA FISH probes can be viewed, analyzed, and imaged using this filter set. The Vysis SpectrumOrange probe fluorescence will also be visible with the Gold filter set. SpectrumRed fluorescence may be visible, yet very dim.
The Green filter set is designed to excite and transmit SpectrumGreen fluorescence. The Vysis SpectrumGreen labeled DNA FISH probes can be viewed, analyzed, and imaged using this filter set.
The Aqua filter set is designed to excite and transmit SpectrumAqua fluorescence. The Vysis SpectrumAqua labeled DNA FISH probes can be viewed, analyzed, and imaged using this filter set. Filter sets that excite and transmit DAPI fluorescence are not appropriate for Vysis SpectrumAqua labeled probes. In some instances,when a hybridization signal is very intense for the Vysis SpectrumAqua labeled DNA probe, the aqua fluorescence may be visible through a DAPI filter set.
However, this will not provide a reliable method for analysis of Vysis SpectrumAqua labeled probes. In addition, on specimens counterstained with DAPI, extremely weak DAPI fluorescence may be observed when viewing or imaging through an Aqua single bandpass filter set.
The Blue filter set is designed to excite and transmit SpectrumBlue fluorescence and is useful when viewing the SpectrumBlue fluorophore alone. The Vysis SpectrumBlue labeled DNA FISH probes can be viewed, analyzed, and imaged using this filter set. DAPI fluorescence will also be visible with this filter set. SpectrumAqua fluorescence will be visible through the Blue filter set, but will be dim.
The DAPI filter set is designed to excite and transmit DAPI counterstain fluorescence.